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Laudien M, Holl-Ulrich K (2022) Bioptische Diagnostik ANCA‑assoziierter Vaskulitiden im HNO‑Trakt. Z Rheumatol 2022 Dec 21. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36542099.

Arnold S, Klapa S, Holl-Ulrich K, Müller A, Kerstein-Stähle A, Lamprecht P (2022) Granulomatöse Vaskulitiden und Vaskulitiden mit extravaskulärer Granulomatose. Z Rheumatol. 81(7):558-566

Holl-Ulrich K, Hagel C, Köhler G, Flechtenmacher C (2022) Akkreditierung in der Pathologie und Neuropathologie : Wege und Pitfalls. Pathologie (Heidelb) 43(5): 338-345

Ruffer N, Krusche M, Holl-Ulrich K, Kötter I, Lötscher F (2022) Kokain-induzierte Vaskulitiden und Vaskulitis-Mimics. Z Rheumatol. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35612660

Arnold S, Holl-Ulrich K, Müller A, Klapa S, Lamprecht P (2022) Update Ätiopathogenese der Kleingefäßvaskulitis. Z Rheumatol 81: 270-279

Iking-Konert C, Wallmeier P, Arnold S, Adler S, de Groot K, Hellmich B, Hoyer BF, Holl-Ulrich K, Ihorst G, Kaufmann M, Kötter I, Müller-Ladner U, Magnus T, Rech J, Schubach F, Schulze-Koops H, Venhoff N, Wiech T, Villiger P, Lamprecht P (2022) The Joint Vasculitis Registry in German-speaking countries (GeVas) - a prospective, multicenter registry for the follow-up of long-term outcomes in vasculitis. BMC Rheumatol. 5(1): 40


Stein A, Gökkurt E, Layer P, Steffens JC, Schröder S, Hegewisch-Becker S (2021) Immuntherapie bei gastrointestinalen Tumoren. Hamb Ärztebl 75 (5): 32-4

Müller A, Krause B, Kerstein-Stähle A, Comdühr S, Klapa S, Ullrich S, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P (2021) Granulomatous Inflammation in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis. Int J Mol Sci. 22(12): 6474


Arnold S, Holl Ulrich K, Lamprecht P (2020) Pathogenese der Großgefäßvaskulitiden. Z Rheumatol 79: 505-15

Holl-Ulrich K, Rose C (2020) Kutane Vaskulitis und Vaskulopathie: Differenzialdiagnosen an der unteren Extremität. Pathologe 41: 355-63

Lamprecht P, Holl-Ulrich K, Müller A. (2020) Comment on: The nose is an organ too. Rheumatology (Oxford) Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32797240

Schirmer JH, Aries PM, Balzer K, Berlit P, Bley TA, Buttgereit F, Czihal M, Dechant C, Dejaco C, Garske U, Henes J, Holle JU, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P, Nölle B, Moosig F, Rech J, Scheuermann K, Schmalzing M, Schmidt WA, Schneider M, Schulze-Koops H, Venhoff N, Villiger PM, Witte T, Zänker M, Hellmich B. S2k-Leitlinie: Management der Großgefäßvaskulitiden (2020)  Z Rheumatol 79 (Suppl 3): S67-S95

Marquetand C, Lamprecht P, Dressler FF, Perner S, Holl-Ulrich K, Stierle U, Aboud A, Reil JC (2020) GPA-Induced Granulomatous Endocarditis Mimicking a Thrombotic Mitral Valve Stenosis. JACC Case Rep. 2(14): 2151-2155

Schirmer JH, Aries PM, Balzer K, Berlit P, Bley TA, Buttgereit F, Czihal M, Dechant C, Dejaco C, Garske U, Henes J, Holle JU, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P, Nölle B, Moosig F, Rech J, Scheuermann K, Schmalzing M, Schmidt WA, Schneider M, Schulze-Koops H, Venhoff N, Villiger PM, Witte T, Zänker M, Hellmich B (2020) S2k-Leitlinie (Kurzfassung): Management der Großgefäßvaskulitiden.  Z Rheumatol 79 (9): 937-942


Herzberg J, Niehaus K, Holl-Ulrich K, Honarpisheh H, Guraya SY, Strate T (2019) Giant retroperitoneal liposarcoma: A case report and literature review. J Taibah Univ Med Sci 14: 466-71

Schröder S, Niendorf A, Tiemann K, Krause M (2019) Darmkrebsdiagnostik - was kann und muss die Pathologie leisten. Hamb Ärztebl 73 (8): 27-9


Kenny GM, Holl-Ulrich K, Fulcher T, McElnea E, Kavanagh E, Moriarty H, Mulligan N, Molloy ES, McCarthy G (2018). Successful reconstruction of an ocular defect resulting from granulomatosis with polyangiitis, following treatment with rituximab. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep 10: 240-3

Lamprecht P, Kerstein A, Klapa S, Schinke S, Karsten CM, Yu X, Ehlers M, Epplen JT, Holl-Ulrich K, Wiech T, Kalies K, Lange T, Laudien M, Laskay T, Gemoll T, Schumacher U, Ullrich S, Busch H, Ibrahim S, Fischer N, Hasselbacher K, Pries R, Petersen F, Weppner G, Manz R, Humrich JY, Nieberding R, Riemekasten G, Müller A (2018) Pathogenetic and clinical aspects of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-associated vasculitides. Front Immunol 9: 680

Lamprecht P, Klapa S, Holl-Ulrich K (2018) 70/m mit palpabler Purpura, Sugillationen und trockener Endgliednekrose: Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung: Folge 15. Hautarzt 69 (Suppl 2): 145-8

Schröder S, Günther T (2018) Cytology preparations of formalin fixative aid detection of Giardia in duodenal biopsy samples. A helpful tool for diagnosing esophageal candidiasis as well (Letter to the editor). Am J Surg Pathol 42: 1273-4

Schröder S, Günther T (2018) Verbesserte mikroskopische Diagnostik des ösophagealen Soorbefalls durch zusätzliche Zytospin-Analyse der Fixationslösung von Ösophagusbiopsien. Z Gastroenterol 56: 752-5

Weppner G, Ohlei O, Hammers CM, Holl-Ulrich K, Voswinkel J, Bischof J, Hasselbacher K, Riemekasten G, Lamprecht P, Ibrahim S, Iking-Konert C, Recke A, Müller A (2018) In situ detection of PR3-ANCA+ B cells and alterations in the variable region of immunoglobulin genes support a role of inflamed tissue in the emergence of auto-reactivity in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. J Autoimmun 93: 89-103


Augsburger D, Nelson PJ, Kalinski T, Udelnow A, Knösel T, Hofstetter M, Qin JW, Wang Y, Gupta AS, Bonifatius S, Li M, Bruns CJ, Zhao Y (2017) Current diagnostics and treatment of fibrosarcoma -perspectives for future therapeutic targets and strategies. Oncotarget 8: 104638-53

Kerstein A, Holl-Ulrich K, Müller A, Riemekasten G, Lamprecht P (2017) Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 142: 24-31

Lessel W, Silver A, Jechorek D, Guenther T, Roehl FW, Kalinski T, Roessner A, Poehlmann-Nitsche A (2017) Inactivation of JNK2 as carcinogenic factor in colitis-associated and sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis 38: 559-69

Miehlke S, Frederking D, Günther T, Glocker E, Eisele B, Andresen V, Schröder S, Morgner A (2017) Efficacy of three-in-one capsule bismuth quadruple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in clinical practice in a multinational patient population. Helicobacter doi: 10.1111/hel.12429

Nass N, Walter S, Jechorek D, Weissenborn C, Ignatov A, Haybaeck J, Sel S, Kalinski T (2017) High neuronatin (NNAT) expression is associated with poor outcome in breast cancer. Virchows Arch 471: 23-30

Nass N, Ignatov A, Andreas L, Weißenborn C, Kalinski T, Sel S (2017) Accumulation of the advanced glycation end product carboxymethyl lysine in breast cancer is positively associated with estrogen receptor expression and unfavorable prognosis in estrogen receptor-negative cases. Histochem Cell Biol 147: 625-34

Nass N, Streit S, Wybranski C, Jürgens J, Brauner J, Schulz N, Powerski M, Ricke J, Kalinski T, Dudeck O, Seidensticker M (2017) Validation of VX2 as a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model: Comparison of the Molecular Reaction of VX2 and HepG2 Tumor Cells to Sorafenib In Vitro. Anticancer Res 37: 87-93

Nass N, Trau S, Paulsen F, Kaiser D, Kalinski T, Sel S (2017) The receptor for advanced glycation end products RAGE is involved in corneal healing. Ann Anat 211: 13-20

Poehlmann A, Reissig K, Schönfeld P, Walluscheck D, Schinlauer A, Hartig R, Lessel W, Guenther T, Silver A, Roessner A (2017) Repeated H2 O2 exposure drives cell cycle progression in an in vitro model of ulcerative colitis. J Cell Mol Med. 17: 1619-31

Popp FC, Popp MC, Zhao Y, Betzler C, Kropf S, Garlipp B, Benckert C, Kalinski T, Lippert H, Bruns CJ (2017) Protocol of the PANCALYZE trial: a multicenter, prospective study investigating the tumor biomarkers CXCR4, SMAD4, SOX9 and IFIT3 in patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma to predict the pattern of recurrence of the disease. BMC Cancer 17: 229

Ranjan S, Goihl A, Kohli S, Gadi I, Pierau M, Shahzad K, Gupta D, Bock F, Wang H, Shaikh H, Kähne T, Reinhold D, Bank U, Zenclussen AC, Niemz J, Schnöder TM, Brunner-Weinzierl M, Fischer T, Kalinski T, Schraven B, Luft T, Huehn J, Naumann M, Heidel FH, Isermann B (2017) Activated protein C protects from GvHD via PAR2/PAR3 signalling in regulatory T-cells. Nat Commun 8: 311

Reissig K, Silver A, Hartig R, Schinlauer A, Walluscheck D, Guenther T, Siedentopf S, Ross J, Vo DK, Roessner A, Poehlmann-Nitsche A (2017) Chk1 promotes DNA damage response bypass following oxidative stress in a model of hydrogen peroxide-associated ulcerative colitis through JNK inactivation and chromatin binding. Oxid Med Cell Longev doi: 10.1155/2017/9303158

Rose C, Holl-Ulrich K (2017) Granulomatöse Reaktionsmuster in der Haut: Interstitielle Dermatitis Lymphome – Vaskulitis (2017) Hautarzt 68: 553-9

Schadow C, Wex C, Wybranski C, Kalinski T, Schulz C, Meyer F (2017) Angioneurotisches Ödem als Differenzialdiagnose rezidivierender Bauchschmerzen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 142: 341-5

Sel S, Patzel E, Poggi L, Kaiser D, Kalinski T, Schicht M, Paulsen F, Nass N (2017) Temporal and spatial expression pattern of Nnat during mouse eye development. Gene Expr Patterns 23-24: 7-12

Weissenborn C, Ignatov T, Nass N, Kalinski T, Dan Costa S, Zenclussen AC, Ignatov A (2017) GPER Promoter Methylation Controls GPER Expression in Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Invest 35: 100-7


Apostolova I, Ego K, Steffen IG, Buchert R, Wertzel H, Achenbach HJ, Riedel S, Schreiber J, Schultz M, Furth C, Derlin T, Amthauer H, Hofheinz F, Kalinski T (2016) The asphericity of the metabolic tumour volume in NSCLC: correlation with histopathology and molecular markers. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 43: 2360-73

Clasen K, Kalinski T, Meissner C, Bruns CJ, Meyer F (2016) 77-jähriger Mann mit seltener Littré-Hernie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 141: 1099-101

Ellebrecht DB, Gebhard MP, Horn M, Keck T, Kleemann M (2016) Laparoscopic confocal laser microscopy without fluorescent injection: a pilot ex vivo study in colon cancer. Surg Innov 23: 341-6

Hoellen F, Waldmann A, Banz-Jansen C, Rody A, Heide M, Köster F, Ribbat-Idel J, Thorns C, Gebhard M, Oberländer M, Habermann JK, Thill M (2016) Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in cervical cancer is associated with lymphovascular invasion. Oncol Lett 12: 2351-6

Holl-Ulrich K, Rose C (2016) Nicht-infektiöse granulomatöse Entzündungen. Schwerpunkt auf Lunge und Haut. Pathologe 37: 172-82

Marx A, Beier A, Taheri P, Röpke M, Kalinski T, Halder AM (2016) Post-arthroscopic osteonecrosis of the medial tibial plateau: a case series. J Med Case Rep 10: 291

Nass N, Dittmer A, Hellwig V, Lange T, Beyer JM, Leyh B, Ignatov A, Weiβenborn C, Kirkegaard T, Lykkesfeldt AE, Kalinski T, Dittmer J (2016) Expression of transmembrane protein 26 (TMEM26) in breast cancer and its association with drug response. Oncotarget 7: 38408-26

Nass N, Sel S, Ignatov A, Roessner A, Kalinski T (2016) Oxidative stress and glyoxalase I activity mediate dicarbonyl toxicity in MCF-7 mamma carcinoma cells and a tamoxifen resistant derivative. Biochim Biophys Acta 1860: 1272-80

Pirici D, Stanaszek L, Garz C, Niklass S, Heinze HJ, Kalinski T, Attems J, Schreiber S (2016) Common Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease and Brain Microhemorrhages on Cerebral Aβ Pathology in SHRSP. Brain Pathol 27: 169-80

Quabius ES, Bögershausen B, Getzin L, Görögh T, Gebhard MP, Hoffmann AS, Hoffmann M (2017) SLPI and AnxA2 expression in neoplasm-free palatine tonsils is associated with smoking habit of individuals. Mol Clin Oncol 7: 427-34

Rogasch JM, Apostolova I, Steffen IG, Steinkrüger FL, Genseke P, Riedel S, Wertzel H, Achenbach HJ, Kalinski T, Schultz M, Schreiber J, Amthauer H, Furth C (2016) Standardized visual reading of F18-FDG-PET in patients with non-small cell lung cancer scheduled for preoperative thoracic lymph node staging. Eur J Radiol 85: 1345-50

Rogasch JM, Steffen IG, Riedel S, Apostolova I, Wertzel H, Achenbach HJ, Steinkrüger FL, Kalinski T, Schultz M, Schreiber J, Amthauer H, Furth C (2016) Dual time point imaging for F18-FDG-PET/CT does not improve the accuracy of nodal staging in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Eur Radiol 26: 2808-18

Seidensticker M, Streit S, Nass N, Wybranski C, Jürgens J, Brauner J, Schulz N, Kalinski T, Seidensticker R, Garlipp B, Steffen I, Ricke J, Dudeck O (2016) Modified transarterial chemoembolization with locoregional administration of sorafenib for treating hepatocellular carcinoma: feasibility, efficacy, and safety in the VX-2 rabbit liver tumor model. Diagn Interv Radiol 22: 378-84

Sel S, Trau S, Paulsen F, Kalinski T, Stangl GI, Nass N (2016) 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 inhibits corneal wound healing in an ex-vivo mouse model. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 254: 717-24

Wang Y, Zhao Y, Herbst A, Kalinski T, Qin J, Wang X, Jiang Z, Benedix F, Franke S, Wartman T, Camaj P, Halangk W, Kolligs FT, Jauch KW, Nelson PJ, Bruns CJ (2016) miR-221 Mediates Chemoresistance of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma by Direct Targeting of DKK2 Expression. Ann Surg 264: 804-14


Bode F, Blanck O, Gebhard M, Hunold P, Grossherr M, Brandt S, Vonthein R, Thiele H, Dunst J, Rades D (2016) Pulmonary vein isolation by radiosurgery: implications for non-invasive treatment of atrial fibrillation. Europace 17: 1868-74

Eggemann H, Kalinski T, Ruhland AK, Ignatov T, Costa SD, Ignatov A (2015) Clinical implications of growth pattern and extension of tumor-associated intraductal carcinoma of the breast. Clin Breast Cancer 15: 227-33

Fu T, Znalesniak EB, Kalinski T, Möhle L, Biswas A, Salm F, Dunay IR, Hoffmann W (2015) TFF peptides play a role in the immune response following oral infection of mice with Toxoplasma Gondii. Eur J Microbiol Immunol (Bp) 5: 221-31

Heinicke T, Hütten H, Kalinski T, Franke I, Bonnekoh B, Fischer T (2015) Sustained remission of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm after unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplantation - a single center experience. Ann Hematol 94: 283-7

Konitzer J, Gerdan L, Sieg P, Hakim SG, Brüggemann A, Gebhard M, Buchmann I (2015) Salivary gland scintigraphy in patients suffering from severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Evaluation of the viability of submandibular glands before and after transfer into the temporal fossa. Nuklearmedizin 54: 189-95

Linke R, Pries R, Könnecke M, Bruchhage KL, Böscke R, Gebhard M, Wollenberg B (2015) Increased phosphorylation of STAT5b, but not STAT5a, in nasal polyps. Am J Rhinol Allergy 29: 182-7

Madhusudhan T, Wang H, Dong W, Ghosh S, Bock F, Thangapandi VR, Ranjan S, Wolter J, Kohli S, Shahzad K, Heidel F, Krueger M, Schwenger V, Moeller MJ, Kalinski T, Reiser J, Chavakis T, Isermann B (2015) Defective podocyte insulin signalling through p85-XBP1 promotes ATF6-dependent maladaptive ER-stress response in diabetic nephropathy. Nat Commun 6: 6496

Nass N, Kalinski T (2015) Tamoxifen resistance: from cell culture experiments towards novel biomarkers. Pathol Res Pract 211: 189-97

Popp FC, Weigt J, Kalinski T, Betzler C, Arend J, Garlipp B, Benckert C, Bruns CJ (2015) Papillary tumors - therapeutic concepts. Chirurg 86: 811-22

Quabius ES, Görögh T, Fischer GS, Hoffmann AS, Gebhard M, Evert M, Beule A, Maune S, Knecht R, Óvári A, Durisin M, Hoppe F, Röcken C, Hedderich J, Ambrosch P, Hoffmann M (2015) The antileukoprotease secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and its role in the prevention of HPV-infections in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett 357: 339-45

Rades D, Huttenlocher S, Seibold ND, Gebhard MP, Thorns C, Hasselbacher K, Wollenberg B, Schild SE (2015) Nuclear expression of p65 (RelA) in patients receiving post-operative radiotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. BMC Cancer 15: 102


Al-Sammak F, Kalinski T, Weinert S, Link A, Wex T, Malfertheiner P (2014) Gastric epithelial expression of IL-12 cytokine family in Helicobacter pylori infection in human: is it head or tail of the coin? PLoS One 8: e75192

Blank O, Bode F, Gebhard M, Hunold P, Brandt S, Bruder R, Grossherr M, Vonthein R, Rades D, Dunst J (2014) Dose-escalation study for cardiac radiosurgery in a porcine model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 89: 590-8

Ellebrecht DB, Gebhard MP, Keck T, Kleemann M (2014) Confocal laser microscopy in minimal invasive surgery. Biomed Tech 59(s1)

Hakim SG, Wieker H, Trenkle T, Sieg P, Konitzer J, Holl-Ulrich K, Jacobsen HC (2014) Imaging of mandible invasion by oral squamous cell carcinoma using computed tomography, cone-beam computed tomography and bone scintigraphy with SPECT. Clin Oral Investig 18: 961-7

Holl-Ulrich K (2014) Vaskulitis: Neue Nomenklatur der Chapel Hill Konsensus Konferenz 2012. Z Rheumatol 73: 823-33

Huttenlocher S, Seibold ND, Gebhard MP, Noack F, Thorns C, Hasselbacher K, Wollenberg B, Schild SE, Rades D (2014) Evaluation of the prognostic role of tumor cell podoplanin expression in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol 190: 1021-7

Ignatov T, Eggemann H, Costa SD, Roessner A, Kalinski T, Ignatov A (2014) BRCA1 promoter methylation is a marker of better response to platinum-taxane-based therapy in sporadic epithelial ovarian cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 140: 1457-63

Ignatov T, Poehlmann A, Ignatov A, Schinlauer A, Costa SD, Roessner A, Kalinski T, Bischoff J (2014) BRCA1 promoter methylation is a marker of better response to anthracycline-based therapy in sporadic TNBC. Breast Cancer Res Treat 141: 205-12

Kalinski T (2014) Inflammation as molecular target in chondrosarcoma. Pathologe 35 Suppl 2: 249-53

Kalinski T, Sel S, Hütten H, Röpke M, Roessner A, Nass N (2014) Curcumin blocks Interleukin-1 signaling in chondrosarcoma cells. PLoS One 9: e99296

Klink T, Geiger J, Both M, Ness T, Heinzelmann S, Reinhard M, Holl-Ulrich K, Duwendag D, Vaith P, Bley TA (2014) Giant cell arteritis: diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging of superficial cranial arteries in initial diagnosis-results from a multicenter trial. Radiology 273: 844-52

Lange K, Lauer W, Nowak M, Ellebrecht DB, Gebhard MP (2014) Track f: devices and systems for surgical interventions. Biomed Tech 59 Suppl1: 385-438

Linke R, Pries R, Könnecke M, Bruchhage KL, Böscke R, Gebhard M, Wollenberg B (2014) The MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway is activated in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal Polyps. Arch Immunol Ther Exp 62: 217-29

Mueller A, Brieske C, Schinke S, Csernok E, Gross WL, Hasselbacher K, Voswinkel J, Holl-Ulrich K (2014) Plasma cells within granulomatous inflammation display signs pointing to autoreactivity and destruction in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Arthritis Res Ther 16: R5

Nass N, Brömme HJ, Hartig R, Korkmaz S, Sel S, Hirche F, Ward A, Simm A, Wiemann S, Lykkesfledt AE, Roessner A, Kalinski T (2014) Differential response to α-oxoaldehydes in tamoxifen resistant MCF-7 breast cancer cells. PLoS One 9: e101473

Rades D, Seibold ND, Gebhard MP, Noack F, Schild SE (2014) Fibroblast growth factor 2 is of prognostic value for patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol 190: 68-74

Schroeder U, Lauten M, Stichtenoth G, Gebhard MP, Buchholz M, Kaiser MM (2014) Laryngomalacia and complicated, life-threatening mTOR-positive Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma cured by supraglottoplasty and sirolimus. Klin Padiatr 226: 362-8

Seidensticker M, Burak M, Kalinski T, Garlipp B, Koelble K, Wust P, Antweiler K, Seidensticker R, Mohnike K, Pech M, Ricke J (2014) Radiation-induced liver damage: correlation of histopathology with hepatobiliary magnetic resonance imaging, a feasibility study. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 38: 213-21

Schirmer JH, Holl-Ulrich K, Moosig F (2014) Polyarteritis nodosa: Differenzialdiagnose und Therapie. Z Rheumatol 73: 917-26

Veits L, Schupfner R, Hufnagel P, Penzel R, Freitag J, Ströbel P, Kern MA, Schröder S, Neuhold N, Schmid KW, Schirmacher P, Hartmann A, Rieker RJ (2014) KRAS, EGFR, PDGFR-α, KIT and COX-2 status in carcinoma showing thymus-like elements (CASTLE). Diagn Pathol. 16: 116-122


Arndt B, Kalinski T, Reinhold D, Thielitz A, Roessner A, Schraven B, Simeoni L (2013) Cooperative immunoregulatory function of the transmembrane adaptor proteins SIT and LAX. J Leukoc Biol 93: 353-62

Guenther T (2013) Tumours and tumour-like lesions of the anal region. In: Morson and Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology, 5th edn, Wiley-Blackwell, p 771-92

Hanisch FG, Ragge H, Kalinski T, Meyer F, Kalbacher H, Hoffmann W (2013) Human gastric TFF2 contains an N-linked fucosylated N,N‘-diacetyllactosediamine (LacdiNAc) oligosaccharide. Glycobiology 23: 2-11

Holl-Ulrich K (2013) Vaskulitis. Neue Nomenklatur der Chapel-Hill-Konsensus Konferenz 2012. Pathologe 34: 569-79

Holl-Ulrich K (2013) L18. Granuloma formation in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Presse Med 42: 555-8

Holle JU, Voigt C, Both M, Holl-Ulrich K, Nölle B, Laudien M, Moosig F, Gross WL (2013) Orbital masses in granulomatosis with polyangiitis are associated with a refractory course and a high burden of local damage. Rheumatology (Oxford) 52: 875-82

Ignatov T, Modl S, Thulig M, Weißenborn C, Treeck O, Ortmann O, Zenclussen A, Costa SD, Kalinski T, Ignatov A (2013) GPER-1 acts as a tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer. J Ovarian Res 6: 51

Ignatov T, Weißenborn C, Poehlmann A, Lemke A, Semczuk A, Roessner A, Costa SD, Kalinski T, Ignatov A (2013) GPER-1 expression decreases during breast cancer tumorigenesis. Cancer Invest 31: 309-15

Linke R, Pries R, Konnecke M, Bruchhage KL, Boscke R, Gebhard M, Wollenberg B (2013) Increased activation and differentiated localization of native and phosphorylated STAT3 in nasal polyps. Int Ach Allergy Immunol 162: 290-8

Linke R, Pries R, Konnecke M, Bruchhage KL, Boscke R, Gebhard M, Wollenberg B (2013) Glycogen synthase kinase 3 in chronic rhinosinusitis: two faces of a single enzyme in one disease. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 110: 101-6

Miehlke S, Alpan O, Schröder S, Straumann A (2013) Induction of eosinophilic esophagitis by sublingual pollen immunotherapy. Case Rep Gastroenterol 7:  363-8

Miehlke S, Reinhold B, Schröder S (2013) Lichen planus esophagitis. In: S. Miehlke, A. Madisch (Hrsg.) Topical Steroids in Gastroenterology. Unimed Science, Bremen, S. 66-8

Mueller A, Holl-Ulrich K, Gross WL (2013) Granuloma in ANCA-associated vasculitides: another reason to distinguish between syndromes? Curr Rheumatol Rep 15: 376

Poehlmann A, Reissig K, Schönfeld P, Walluscheck D, Schinlauer A, Hartig R, Lessel W, Guenther T, Silver A, Roessner A (2013) Repeated H2 O2 exposure drives cell cycle progression in an in vitro model of ulcerative colitis. J Cell Mol Med 17: 1619-31

Poehlmann A, Reissig K, Just A, Walluscheck D, Hartig R, Schinlauer A, Lessel W, Guenther T, Silver A, Steinberg P, Roessner A (2013) Non-apoptotic function of caspases in a cellular model of hydrogen peroxide-associated colitis. J Cell Mol Med 17:  901-13

Rades D, Seibold ND, Gebhard MP, Noack F, Thorns C, Schild SE (2013). Impact of the HPV-positivity definition on the prognostic value of HPV status in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol 189: 856-60

Rades D, Seibold ND, Schild SE, Gebhard MP, Noack F (2013). Androgen receptor expression: prognostic value in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol 189: 849-55

Seibold ND, Schild SE, Gebhard MP, Noack F, Rades D (2013) Prognostic impact of VEGF and FLT-1 receptor expression in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol 189: 639-46

Seibold ND, Schild SE, Gebhard MP, Noack F, Rades D (2013) Prognosis of patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Impact of tumor cell expression of EPO and EPO-R. Strahlenther Onkol 189: 559-65

Sel S, Münzenberg C, Nass N, Kalinski T, Datan M, Auffarth GU, Töteberg-Harms M, Zenkel M, Kruse FE, Paulsen F, Schicht M (2013) The transcription factor Foxk1 is expressed in developing and adult mouse neuroretina. Gene Expr Patterns 13: 280-6

Sel S, Trau S, Knak M, Kalinski T, Kaiser D, Kruse FE, Huchzermeyer C, Duncker GI, Paulsen F, Auffarth GU, Nass N (2013) Evaluation of central corneal thickness after cataract surgery, penetrating keratoplasty and long-term soft contact lens wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 36: 238-42


Andrae N, Kirches E, Hartig R, Haase D, Keilhoff G, Kalinski T, Mawrin C (2012) Sunitinib targets PDGF-receptor and Flt3 and reduces survival and migration of human meningioma cells. Eur J Cancer 48: 1831-41

Bergmann PA, Liodaki ME, Mauss KL, Lange T, Gebhard M, Mailander P, Siemers F (2012) Histologische und immunhistochemische Untersuchung zur Kapselfibrose im Tiermodell - Vergleich zweier Implantate mittels einer histologischen Klassifikation in Modifikation nach Wilflingseder. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 44: 220-6

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Ahmadi-Simab K, Hellmich B, Holl-Ulrich K, Fleischmann C, Dourvos O, Gross WL (2007) Acute coronary syndrome in Takayasu arteritis without elevation of acute phase parameters. Rheumatology 46: 554-5

Carvajal Carmona LG, Lockett M, Howarth KM, Polanco-Echeverry GM, Gorman M, Jones AM, Barclay E, Martin L, Neale K, Volikos E, Saunders B, Guenther T, Donaldson A, Paterson J, Frayling I, Izatt L, Deheragoda M, Novelli M, Phillips R, Silver A, Thomas HJW, Atkin W, Tomlinson IPM (2007) Molecular classification and genetic pathways in hyperplastic polyposis syndrome. J Pathol 212: 378-85

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Kouznetsova I, Kalinski T, Peitz U, Mönkemüller KE, Kalbacher H, Vieth M, Meyer F, Roessner A, Malfertheiner P, Lippert H, Hoffmann W (2007) Localization of TFF3 peptide in human esophageal submucosal glands and gastric cardia: differentiation of two types of gastric pit cells along the rostro-caudal axis. Cell Tissue Res 328: 365-74

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Krämer JA, Müller A, Herlyn K, Pitann S, Lamprecht P, Holl-Ulrich K, Feller AC, Gross WL, Gause A, Voswinkel J (2007) B Lymphozyten Differenzierung in granulomatösen Geweben der Lunge und nasalen Mukosa bei Wegener´scher Granulomatose: Ursprung der anti-Neutrophilen-zytoplasmatischen Antikörperbildung? Z Rheumatol 66: 421-9

Lamprecht P, Holl-Ulrich K, Wieczorek S (2007) Venous thromboembolism in Wegener's granulomatosis. J Rheumatol 34: 2323-5

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Patel H, Polanco-Echeverry GM, Segditsas S, Volikos E, McCart A, Lai C, Guenther T, Zaitoun A, Siber O, Ilyas M, Northover J, Silver A (2007) Activation of AKT and nuclear accumulation of wild type P53 and MDM2 in anal squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Cancer 121: 2668-73

Röpke A, Kalinski T, Kluba U, von Falkenhausen U, Wieacker PF, Röpke M (2007) PLAG1 activation in lipoblastoma coinciding with low-level amplification of a derivative chromosome 8 with a deletion del(8)(q13q21.2). Cytogenet Genome Res 119: 33-8

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Alfalah M, Krahn MP, Wetzel G, von Horsten S, Wolke C, Hooper N, Kalinski T, Krueger S, Naim HY, Lendeckel U (2006) A mutation in aminopeptidase N (CD13) isolated from a patient suffering from leukemia leads to an arrest in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biol Chem 281: 11894-900

Aries PM, Hellmich B, Voswinkel J, Both M, Nölle B, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P, Gross WL (2006) Lack of efficacy of rituximab in Wegener's granulomatosis with refractory granulomatous manifestations. Ann Rheum Dis 65: 853-8

Göppner D, Hoschna M, Kalinski T, Franke I, Gollnick H, Leverkus M (2006) Multilocular furunculosis and chronic-persisting eczema in a 17-year-old patient. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 4: 766-9

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Jentsch-Ullrich K, Kalinski T, Roessner A, Franke A, Mohren M (2006) Long-term remission in a patient with carcinoma of unknown primary site. Chemotherapy 52: 12-5

Kalinski T, Hofmann H, Zwönitzer R, Bernarding J, Roessner A (2006) Virtual microscopy and digital pathology. Pathologe 27: 222-7

Kalinski T, Klante T, Päge I, Schneider-Stock R, Dombrowski F, Roessner A (2006) Liver cirrhosis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis caused by inapparent hepatitis C virus infection. Pathol Res Pract 202: 891-4

Kalinski T, Krueger S, Sel S, Werner K, Röpke M, Roessner A (2006) Differential expression of VEGF-A and angiopoietins in cartilage tumors and regulation by interleukin-1beta. Cancer 106: 2028-38

Krueger S, Hundertmark T, Kalinski T, Peitz U, Wex T, Malfertheiner P, Naumann M, Roessner A (2006) Helicobacter pylori encoding the pathogenicity island activates matrix metalloproteinase 1 in gastric epithelial cells via JNK and ERK. J Biol Chem 281: 2868-75

Löning MC, Diddens HC, Holl-Ulrich K, Löning U, Küpker W, Diedrich K, Hüttmann G (2006) Fluorescence staining of human ovarian cancer tissue following application of 5-aminolevulinic acid: fluorescence microscopy studies. Lasers Surg Med 38: 549-54

Nelius T, Klatte T, Yap R, Kalinski T, Ropke A, Filleur S, Allhoff EP (2006) A randomized study of docetaxel and dexamethasone with low- or high-dose estramustine for patients with advanced hormone-refractory prostate cancer. BJU Int 98: 580-5

Nelius T, Reiher F, Lindenmeir T, Kalinski T, Rau O, Filleur S, Allhoff EP (2006) Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis (Ormond's Disease). Aktuelle Urol 37: 284-8

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Röpke M, Kalinski T, Wördehoff H, Aumann V, Burger T (2006) Multicentric extra-abdominal fibromatosis: a rare case. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 144: 223-7

Sieber O, Segditsas S, Knudson A, Zhang J, Luz J, Rowan A, Spain S, Thirlwell C, Howarth K, Jaeger E, Robinson J, Volikas E, Silver A, Kelly G, Aretz S, Frayling I, Hutter P, Dunlop M, Guenther T, Neale K, Phillips R, Heinimann K, Tomlinson I (2006) Disease severity and genetic pathways in attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis vary greatly, but depend on the site of the germline mutation. Gut 55: 1440-8

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